a bunch of bee-friendly flower FARMers who believe collaboration sows good seeds


We're here to sow the seeds of a flower-farming renaissance which, with hard work, collaboration and Mother Nature's blessing has the potential to blossom throughout Australia.

We grow, harvest, source, design + celebrate ethical, sustainable, beautiful botanics for the cut and edible flower markets. We're working together to put truly-local, low-tox, bee-friendly flowers in Australia's hearts and vases!

Our florals are 100% Australian grown not flown. We farm from the soil up. We work with the seasons. We grow quality not quantity. We protect and enhance beneficial biodiversity.

We believe collaboration sows good seeds. Our strength lies in sharing our diverse knowledge, skills, perspectives, energies and abundant botanics. By supporting one another we support our local economy and communities.

By supplying and collaborating with like-minded florists/designers, stylists, accommodation + venue owners and wedding + event planners, we plan to go far together rather than grow fast, alone.

We're a bunch of "good seeds" and we're here to put the floral fabric of Australia's ethical, sustainable micro flower farmers on the map!

CB x

grow with us

experience what’s on offer

INDUSTRY PARTNER - Flower Industry Australia